Written by Petrika Peters

Have you heard? For the FIRST time in history the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed limits for unnecessary carbon pollution from power plants in the U.S. — and IT’S A BIG DEAL!

The EPA estimates that with the new safeguards in place, carbon pollution from power plants will be reduced 30% nationwide by 2030. What has us so jazzed at Conservation Colorado? We know how well-positioned Colorado is to lead on this rule by implementing exciting new measures.

In Grand Junction we celebrated this momentous event by gathering to get fired up by passionate speakers. Were you there? Tag yourself in our Facebook album.

We have a lot to celebrate, but this is only the beginning.

It’s hard to predict exactly what will happen in the coming decades in Grand Junction. We know it will get hotter — maybe not every year right here, but our temperatures are trending upward. I can’t imagine the Grand Valley any hotter in July, but think Phoenix because that is our future without action.

On top of that, longer frost-free seasons, less frequent cold air outbreaks, and more frequent heat waves accelerate crop ripening and maturity.  That acceleration reduces our yields of tree fruit and wine grapes, stresses our livestock, and further strains our agricultural water consumption. Those are scary things and they are happening now.

I love our peaches, cherries, and bounty of local produce — I want the next generation to experience and love these things as well. I know you do too. The good news? There are lots of things you can do RIGHT NOW to help combat climate change.

Here are my “Top 5 Must Do’s” this summer in the Grand Valley to fight climate change.

1) Sign the petition supporting EPA’s Carbon Pollution Safeguards. Did I mention this is a BIG DEAL!?

2) Turn up your thermostat a couple of degrees. I know it’s hot, but waiting one more degree before pumping the AC and swamp coolers can make a HUGE difference for our climate.

3) Eat one more vegetarian meal a week. Let’s face it: cows produce a lot of global-warming causing methane pollution. I’m not saying cut all beef out, but veggies are delicious and here in the Grand Valley we are lucky to have access to tons of local produce! Click here to see a list (compiled by our friends at Field to Fork CSA) of Grand Junction restaurants that serve local food. What are you waiting for?? Get out and enjoy the good food!

4) Bike to work! (or take public transport). June was bike-to-work month in Grand Junction. Now that you are in the habit, don’t stop! You can bike most of the year here — embrace it. It’s good for your health, soul, and the climate!

5.) GJ is hot, hot, hot! Take local action to combat climate change. From illuminating education presentations to comment writing, we’ve got it happening. Join Us!

Stay cool folks, it’s hot out there.

Your Field Organizer,
