Donate to Our Mission

More Ways to Give

Make a Gift of Stock
Gifts of appreciated securities (stocks) are a popular alternative to making a cash gift as they can offer additional tax advantages, depending on your unique situation. If you would like stock instructions for your broker, please contact . When making a gift, it is helpful for you or your broker to notify us of the details of the transfer.

Leave a Legacy
Leaving Conservation Colorado in your will or estate plans can be a way to make a larger gift than you ever thought possible to protect this place we all love for present communities and future generations. If you would like more information or need our details to include in your will or estate plan, please contact .

Business Partnerships
Get your company involved through event sponsorship, matching gift opportunities or by joining our Colorado Outdoor Business Alliance (COBA), a coalition of Colorado-based businesses and entrepreneurs advocating for strong conservation policies. To earn more about our business partnerships, please contact .