Boards and Commissions Fellowship

Cities, counties, states, school, or municipal district levels have boards and commissions made up of community members, whose responsibilities range from making recommendations to making policy decisions on public funds, education, the environment and natural resources, social services, economic development and transportation.

People serving on local and state boards and commissions make a big impact on Coloradans’ daily lives. Current boards and commissions throughout the state need more Latine, Black, Indigenous, People of Color and/or immigrant community members to help create effective and equitable implementation of laws and policies.

The Boards and Commissions Fellowship prepares community members to serve on boards or commissions and learn diverse topics, including parliamentary procedure, how decisions are made, public meeting law, and conflict management. Fellows will spend eight hours per month in this six-month training program learning from experts in joint facilitated discussions and meet monthly for coaching sessions with a chosen mentor. Fellows are expected to complete homework between sessions.