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Conservation Colorado releases 2024 Legislative Scorecard

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Scorecard shows how Colorado lawmakers voted on key environmental legislation

DENVER — Today, Conservation Colorado released its 2024 Legislative Scorecard, displaying every Colorado legislator’s votes on key environmental bills during the 2024 legislative session.

This scorecard is intended to provide Coloradans with information about where their lawmakers stand on critical environmental issues.

“Conservation Colorado’s 2024 Legislative Scorecard highlights the lawmakers who champion our climate, air, lands, water and communities while holding accountable those who don’t,” said Kelly Nordini, Conservation Colorado’s CEO. “This session, we helped make historic progress on climate, passing landmark bills to protect our communities and environment. Our scorecard shows which leaders made this possible. We provide this resource for all Coloradans to stay informed and engaged in state politics.”

The bills passed this session secured nationally-leading progress on climate and water policy in Colorado, and secured important clean air policies while preventing the oil and gas industry from rolling back a decade’s worth of climate progress. 

The scorecard clearly and concisely explains the details of each bill listed in three issue areas: climate, healthy communities and lands and water. In the 2024 legislative session, 49 of the 100 members — nearly half — of Colorado’s House and Senate had perfect 100% scores, meaning they voted yes on every key environmental bill listed. 

The scorecard also lists each member’s lifetime score, tracking their votes on every major environmental bill they’ve voted on since they were elected to office. This is a great way for Coloradans to hold their lawmakers accountable and thank them for their dedicated work for their communities.

Read Conservation Colorado’s 2024 Legislative Scorecard here to see how legislators voted on environmental issues this session.