Read our 2024 Annual Report


Climate change is a serious threat to our kids’ future, and we’re already suffering from its consequences—from more frequent and severe wildfires to polluted air that triggers asthma to extreme heat that endangers workers and worsens drought. 

Colorado has emerged as a national leader in combating climate change and addressing environmental injustice. Our state is headed toward 100 percent renewable energy, cracking down on methane pollution from oil drilling and leading the nation in electric vehicle adoption. However, there’s more work to be done.

The actions Colorado and other states take in the coming years are critical to ensuring the U.S. meets its climate goals. Research shows that even in the face of federal inaction or rollbacks, bold state-level initiatives can help achieve significant progress—up to 62 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2035—ensuring a healthier and more sustainable future.

Crack down on corporate polluters

Air pollution in Colorado, especially along the Front Range, has reached such unsafe levels that the state advised people to stay indoors for 40 days in the summer of 2024. Wildfire smoke from climate change-driven megafires in the west combines with locally produced air pollution from the oil and gas industry and transportation sector to create a “toxic cocktail,” harming the health of all Coloradans. We are fighting to hold the oil and gas industry, utilities and other corporate polluters accountable and push for stronger regulations to protect our communities.

Increase cleaner transportation and affordable housing options

Vehicle emissions are the largest source of climate pollution in Colorado. Although Colorado is a national leader in electric vehicle adoption, to clean up our air and meet state and national climate goals, Colorado needs expanded rail, bus, biking and walking options, along with more affordable housing near transit. Conservation Colorado advocates for improved transit options and affordable housing designed around them to reduce pollution, cut emissions and protect our communities and environment.

Fight for environmental justice

Disproportionately impacted communities – diverse communities who face higher environmental and health burdens due to pollution and climate change – often live closer to pollution sources like oil facilities and highways, resulting in greater health impacts such as asthma and heart disease. Conservation Colorado works to stop climate pollution, prioritize clean energy investment and empower communities that have long shouldered the burden of dirty fossil fuels.

Clean affordable energy for all

Conservation Colorado is driving policy action to accelerate the transition to renewable energy in the utility sector and make solar energy more accessible, ensuring our communities have better access to clean, affordable and reliable energy for their homes.

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